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Write a Book for ASCD

Do you aspire to be a published author? Would you like to share your expertise and ideas with other educators around the world? The ASCD community of passionate thinkers and life-changing educators is your place.

We welcome writers with new ideas, fresh voices, and diverse experiences and backgrounds.

Write a Book for ASCD

Why Publish with ASCD?

To influence the field of education.
Our books are respected in the field, and ASCD authors share in that prestige. Our authors become well known to a large audience of educators. Prominent authors such as Carol Ann Tomlinson, Baruti Kafele, Jay McTighe, and Robyn Jackson have chosen ASCD as their publisher.

To earn royalties.
ASCD pays royalties that are competitive with those offered by commercial publishers. As an ASCD author, you will be compensated financially for the hard work of writing a book.

To benefit from our worldwide reach.
ASCD books are distributed throughout the world and sold in the United States through retailers such as Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. We also market our books through the ASCD website, events, catalogs, and other outlets. Through our active foreign rights program, many of our books are translated into Chinese, Arabic, and other languages.

To work with skilled publications professionals.
You are never "just one more author" at ASCD. Our staff of editors and designers will devote their talents to your book, ensuring that your ideas are presented in the best way possible. ASCD books, known for their readability and their attractive covers, have often won publishing awards.

And most important …

To help all learners flourish.
ASCD's audience includes principals, teachers, central office staffers, superintendents, and professors. By writing a book for ASCD, you can reach all of these educators—and their students—and make a significant contribution to the profession.

How Do I Start the Process?

If you would like ASCD to consider publishing a book you have written or plan to write, click here to submit a proposal. You can expect a confirmation verifying that your proposal was received.

  • For each author, résumé, CV, or bio with contact information (name, professional title and affiliation, address, phone number, and email address)

  • Working title of the book

  • Statement of the purpose of the book, its intended audience, and how it will benefit educators

  • Abstract (250 words or less) of the book's content, including key features such as checklists, questions for reflection, or proposed additional web content

  • Anticipated length of the manuscript (number of words; average is 50,000) and date of completion

  • Anticipated number of figures (tables, charts, graphics, photos, etc.)

  • Table of contents and a brief description of each chapter

  • At least two chapters that give a clear idea of both the content and writing style. We prefer substantive chapters from the heart of the book, and at least one chapter should offer practical material. (If you can send us a complete manuscript, that's even better.)

  • Titles, authors, publication dates, publishers, and prices of the most significant related and competing books already on the market and a brief description of how your book would be different

  • Your proposed promotion plans (optional)—your planned outreach to organizations and individuals, conference presentations and trainings, social media and website activities, and the like

Guidance on how to write a high-quality proposal can be found on our blog.

What Happens Next?

Your proposal and sample chapters will be reviewed by our Acquisitions Team, which typically meets at the end of each month. When we review your proposal, we weigh many factors, including the appeal of the topic to ASCD's audience, the expertise of the author, and how the proposed book would fit into our existing lineup of publications.

We also send proposals to teachers and leaders in the field.


These are the top five qualities that reviewers look for in an ASCD book:

  • Original: The text reflects new ideas, diverse perspectives, worldwide viewpoints, and fresh information. It does not state the obvious, parrot conventional wisdom, or rely too heavily on others' ideas.

  • Evidence-based: Assertions in the text are supported by evidence and research, as necessary. References are up-to-date, and sources reflect current thought in the field.

  • Practical and actionable: The text provides guidance and strategies that educators can use to improve practice.

  • Specific: The author avoids generalities and includes concrete examples, illustrations, and anecdotes.

  • Conversational: The text is engaging, unpretentious, and free of jargon.


Submit a Book Proposal to ASCD

The review process takes about two months, and we will inform you of the outcome as soon as possible. Please let us know if another publisher is reviewing your proposal during this interval.

I Have More Questions ....

We look forward to receiving your proposal. If you would like to discuss your topic with us or if you have questions about submitting your proposal, please contact us.