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April 1, 2022
Vol. 79
No. 7
Readers React

Equity Every Day

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People-Driven Equity

Great issue. The knowledge base is extensive. Anyone who works with children internal to school districts or external can benefit from putting these data and people-driven frameworks into practice.
Ashford Hughes Sr. (@ashfordhughes)

Revisiting Classroom Equity Strategies

It's cool when you're reading EL magazine and an article reflects on practices you read and used from EL in past years ["Why Classroom Equity Strategies Aren't Always Equal" by Martha Curren-Preis, Nicole Garcia, and Meghan Shaughnessy]. Sticks, stems, and mixed-ability groups are all great tools and we need to reflect on purpose and adapt, if or when the tool becomes misaligned. To add to the sticks vignette: Ask the questions before pulling the stick? In my classroom, part of the point was that we all gotta be thinking about the question, ready to jump in to add, agree, disagree, etc.
Dustin Voss (@TeacherVoss)

Finding the Courage for Antiracist Work

Terrific interview with Liz Kleinrock. ["Liz Kleinrock on Antiracist, Antibias Teaching"] We cannot center adult comfort as we move forward in our antibias and antiracist work for students and schools. The work is too important.
Jennifer Abrams (@jenniferabrams)

Advice for Healing and Affirming

Ever have one of those days when you just need to fill your cup? Well Brittany Hogan's letter to equity-focused educators won't disappoint. ["An Open Letter to Equity-Driven Educators"] Brilliant, affirming, empathetic, inspiring, and motivational.
Shonda Ambers-Phillips (@Doc_SOAP)

Know Thy Audits

How many missed conversations have there been because we've not been talking about the same kind of curriculum audit? Everyone needs to look at this! ["Which Curriculum Audit Is Best for Your School?" by Lauren Porosoff]
Daniel Goduti (@danielgoduti)
In-depth thinking at our Curriculum Council today. We moved a step closer to selecting our common K–12 template and began to think about the components of an audit tool to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion. Using the recent article from [Lauren Porosoff] as inspiration!
Chrissy Miga (@ChrissyMiga_WI)

The Wonders of Wordle

My Grade 3 class joined the Wordle craze. ["What Wordle Reminds Us About Effective Phonics and Spelling Instruction" by Nell Duke, from The ASCD Blog] was persuasive about pedagogy that can be embedded for phoneme and word patterns. One of my students actually solved "oxide" after discussing the position of letters after we had solved "___ide."
Erin Newburn (@ErinNewburnEDU)

Share Your Opinion!

Love (or dislike) something in a recent issue of EL? We want to hear about it! Write to us or reach out on Twitter. Printed reactions may be edited for clarity and length.

EL’s experienced team of writers and editors produces Educational Leadership magazine, an award-winning publication that reaches hundreds of thousands of K-12 educators and leaders each year. Our work directly supports the mission of ASCD: To empower educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 

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